VIB Reveille Podcast
Tune in to hear the latest from the Veterans In Business Network! The VIB Network is on a mission to provide education, training, resources, and outreach to help Veterans in business succeed. At the Reveille Podcast, you'll hear directly from our Corporate Partners, Government Agencies, and from our own Veteran Business owners. Be sure to listen up when you hear that sound, this is the Reveille Podcast!
VIB Reveille Podcast
The Intel Episodes: Make it Count with Robert Jones
Season 1
Episode 12
Veteran Businesses that specialize in Government Contracting - this one's for you! Guest Robert Jones walks us through how Left Brain Professionals can help you navigate the waters of Government contract accounting and how those attending the 7th Annual National Conference can prepare for Tactical Networking. Let's get to work!
Left Brain Professionals
Tactical Networking at the VIB National Conference
Tactical Networking form available here
VIB Conference
VIB Network